
.guilty poem
i would
sex you adoringly
taking each clothespin
off the line
i would wrap myself
like a child in these dreams

i would
open up your ribs
cleaving each garlic clove
of each syllable
i would peel off skin
as though pain was hangnail

i would
smile like a church usher
fondling the plate
of words and dollars
i would place on alter
as though the pastor's cloak smiled


as though the pastor's cloak smiled
i would place on alter
of words and dollars
fondling the plate
smile like a church usher
i would

as though pain was a hangnail
i would peel off skin
of each syllable
cleaving each garlic clove
open up your ribs
i would

like a child in these dreams
i would wrap myself
off the line
taking each clothespin
sex you adoringly
i would
guilty poem.

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